Monday, November 19, 2007

Game Review: World at Conflict 4.5/5 stars

4.5/5 stars

It has been said that World at Conflict is better than C&C, Dawn of War and even Supreme Commander! Does it live up to the hype? Is it really all that? Well, here's our take on this game World at Conflict.

If there was a word that was the opposite of, "a boring RTS game" it would be "World at Conflict" The game play is awesome! It's fast paced, on the move and adrenaline pumping fun. WaC makes you feel like you're actually the commander/Sgt. Parker.

You'll never get bored, nuking an enemy massing, bombarding your enemy's drop in point, calling in air strikes on enemy tanks, sending your foot soldier to deliver a lethal punch from behind enemy lines, or just sending in the Calvary and destroying everything in your path!
WaC also eliminates the boring and tedious things like: building and fortifying your base, and gathering resources. Because in WaC, all your units are parachuted into combat. And the way your gather resources is by destroying your enemy. (1 tip: don't ever keep your units in one spot, keep them moving, or your units will be turned into ruble by an enemy air strike, nuke or artillery.)

The multi player game play is fun and well made. The campaign is also fun and has a realistic and imaginable storyline. The WaC storyline is made in a way that you can actually imagine it happening America.

The graphics in this game are awe striking especially for a RTS. I mean, sometimes I get confused if the games graphics are actually film/pictures or not. XD

The view is close to the action (the view is adjustable) making the game even enjoyable for mainly FPS players too who require alot of stimulation. Also when you hear the voices of your units screaming at you to help them or whatever, it makes you feel just that much more; in charge, realistic and in the moment.

The only thing I would change about this game is, the speed of your unit movement. But if they made them move faster, it might make it too hard to hit units with artillery strikes etc...

Final conclusion: Yes, World at Conflict lived up to the hype and to all of my expectations.
World at Conflict is a must buy for any gamer who enjoys a good game with: Great graphics and flat out awesome game play.


Anonymous said...

COOL!!!! i'm gettin this to play during winter break!!!!! thanks for the review.

Anonymous said...

world at conflict's graphics are just... godly pure uber godlyness

emo jake

Mooseberry said...

This game rules!!

by the way its World IN conflict not World AT Conflict.