Teh blog, that should be every gamer's homepage. Because, we deliever you gaming; tips, tricks, info, news and general gaming info. In a way only gamers can.
ABOUT Teh Geekopedia:
We are just two gamers, who decided to create a blog. We hope, you will enjoy it.
Teh Geekopedia is for gamers, and by gamers. Therefore, we deliver you gaming info, tips and tricks in a way only gamers can deliver it.
That's why teh geekopedia should be every gamer's homepage. XD Check us out!
The Staff:
Player Leet Beat - Teh pwner, lead editor, teh mastermind behind it all.
Joshwhat - Website design, infomation gatherer, Warrock and Guild Wars specialist.
Special thanks to:
"Nate" Nubbies
"toofoxy" the NY gangsta.
"Homeboy09" homie
dude, where's our squirrel mascot? come on, BRING BACK THE SQUIRREL!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
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