Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Game Review: Halo: Custom Edition 1/5 stars

Halo: Custom Edition 1/5 stars
(It requires a Halo: Combat Evolved security code/CD code to install Halo: Custom Edition.)

I don't know what Bungie was thinking when they made, Halo: Custom Edtion. It's basicly a downgraded version of Halo: Combat Evolved.
There is no campaign. And the multiplayer is horrible! Why? Because, you can only choose from Halo: Custom Edition servers which is horrific. Because, there aren't many Halo: Custom Edition players, since most of Halo players just play Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer. Therefore you are left to play with like 14 people to play with. And very a very low amount of servers to join.. Which really really really sucks.. >.<
Final conclusion: Just play your Halo: Combat Evolved it's alot better.
And Don't download Halo: Custom Edition. It has no campaign, and very few people play it's multi player. Therefore you only got like 14 players to play with, and 20 servers to pick from.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right. Halo Combat Evolved is way better.

Btw, cool squirrel pic. Lol