Monday, December 10, 2007

Game Review: Project Snowblind 1.5/5 stars

1.5/5 stars
Project Snowblind is somewhat similar to Bioshock, in how you can pick up cool weps, and your body is mutated. But, here is where it falters, the game is too "shoot em up", it's like an arcade game: Run forward to where your troops point you to go. Get there. Shoot the enemy that jumps over wall (in an infinite amount). And keep shooting them, until you are directed to move or kill some robot like boss.

Also, the game is too structured, you must follow your way point, and you must get to the way point in the way the creators of Project Snowblind want you to. Which is total junk.
The game's graphics are alright, but it's no where near today's generation of game graphics.

The storyline in this game is horrific. It's about Nathan Frost (you), and how he dives to protect one of this teammates, to protect him from a bomb. But instead Nathan Frost gets hit by the bomb. And gains mutation powers. (The powers are junk)

Final Conclusion: Do not buy this game that runs like an arcade game. The graphics are bad, the storyline is junk, and the gameplay is too "shoot em up"/"wack-a-mole". It's a waste of money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree. this game is junk.